Tetrahedrite Ore (GregTech 4)

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Tetrahedrite Ore
Tetrahedrite Ore

Tetrahedrite Ore

Name Tetrahedrite Ore
Source Mod GregTech
ID Name Unknown
Type Ore
Stackable Yes (64)

Tetrahedrite Ore is an ore added by the GregTech 4 mod.

Tetrahedrite Ore can be smelted for 1 Copper Ingot, macerated for 2 Copper Dust, and pulverized for the same, but with a 10% chance of Zinc Dust. If used in the Industrial Grinder with water, it will give 2 Pulverized Copper/2 Copper Dust, 2 Tiny Piles of Zinc Dust, and 1 Tiny Pile of Antimony Dust. If Sodium Persulfate is used instead, 1 more Pulverized copper will be outputted. In version 1.6 and higher, however, Tetrahedrite Dust is given instead.

Tetrahedrite Ore (GregTech 4) only generates in the following biomes: