Undercutter Cart

Undercutter Cart
Undercutter Cart

Name Undercutter Cart
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Cart
Stackable Yes

Like the look of Gravel under your rail, but can't be bothered to place it yourself? Then this Cart is for you! The Undercutter will it do for you!

You can define two types of blocks to be replaced with a valid Ballast material as the cart travels down the rails.

Ballast materials currently limited to Gravel and Crushed Obsidian.

If linked to a Chest Cart, it will pull Ballast from the Chest Cart and deposit removed blocks.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Yellow Dye (Minecraft)
Redstone Lamp
Yellow Dye (Minecraft)
Blaze Rod
Block of Steel (Railcraft)
Blaze Rod
Diamond Shovel
Minecart (Minecraft)
Diamond Shovel
Undercutter Cart