Train Boarding Track

Train Boarding Track
Train Boarding Track

Name Train Boarding Track
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Track
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crowbar

The Train Boarding Track is a type of track added by the Railcraft mod. When powered with a redstone signal these function like a standard Booster Track, but when unpowered they will grab and hold onto any Minecart that passes over them. Unlike Booster Tracks, the cart can't be pushed off until the track is given a redstone signal.

When placed a Boarding Track will have an arrow pointing in one direction on the track. When powered with a train already on the Train Boarding Track, it will launch the train in the indicated direction. This behavior can be used with devices like Item Loaders and Item Unloaders to create fully automated transport systems. The direction of the arrow can be changed with a Crowbar.

The Train Boarding Track is identical to Boarding Track but is designed to function with trains of linked carts instead of individual carts.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Advanced Rail
Redstone Repeater
Advanced Rail
Advanced Rail
Stone Pressure Plate
Advanced Rail
Advanced Rail
Wooden Railbed
Advanced Rail
Train Boarding Track