Stirling Dynamo

Stirling Dynamo
Name Stirling Dynamo
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance TE for MC 1.16.5
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Energy 40 RF/t
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

The Stirling Dynamo is part of Thermal Expansion, and replaces the Steam Dynamo in versions after 1.12.2. This engine burns solid fuels RF power. This engine will throttle its efficiency if not enough energy is being consumed.

This dynamo can burn any solid fuel item. It contains 4 augmentation slots and can be upgraded with Auxiliary Reaction Chamber, Multi-Cycle Injectors, and Integral Components. It has redstone controls which are set to disabled by default.


Fuel RF/item
Stick, Sapling, Wool, Button, Bowl 1000
Slab 1500
Door, Wooden Tools, Sign 2000
Plank, Log, Bow, and all unspecified items tagged minecraft:mineable/axe 3000
Scaffolding 4000
Tar, Rosin 8000
Blaze Powder, Boat, Sulfur 12000
Charcoal, Bitumen 16000
Coal, Bituminous Sand, Block of Sawdust, Blaze Rod 24000
Coke 40000
Dried Kelp Block 40010
Block of Tar, Block of Rosin 80000
Block of Charcoal, Block of Bitumen 160000
Block of Sulfur 120000
Block of Coal 240000
Block of Coke 400000

This engine can not burn lava buckets.



Stirling Dynamo has no known uses in crafting.