Magmatic Engine

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Magmatic Engine
Magmatic Engine

Name Magmatic Engine
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance TE 2.0.0 for MC 1.4
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Energy 4.0 MJ/t
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

The Magmatic Engine is an Engine added from Thermal Expansion. It consumes Lava to produce Minecraft Joules. When right-clicked, its current GUI displays a slot for the addition of lava. However, the slot has recently been rendered completely useless. Instead, to add lava, right-click on the Magmatic Engine while holding a Lava Bucket/Cell/Capsule/etc. One bucket of lava will produce approximately 17,900MJ.

Power Minimum / Maximum: 0.4 MJ/T / 4.0 MJ/T

The engine can easily overheat. If the engine overheats, it will shut down and sneak-right clicking on it with a Crescent Hammer or OmniWrench can make it restart. To avoid overheating, use Redstone Energy Conduits instead of Conductive Pipes.

It was replaced by the Magmatic Dynamo in Thermal Expansion.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Redstone Transmission Coil

Invar Gear (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Gear (Thermal Foundation)
Magmatic Engine

GUI Crafting Table.png
Tin Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Tin Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Tin Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Redstone Transmission Coil

Tin Gear (Forestry)
Tin Gear (Forestry)
Magmatic Engine


The Magmatic Engine overheats easily and will be broken until you repair it. This makes it unstable. You can use a Geothermal Generator with an Electrical Engine instead. When the Electrical Engine overheats, it will cause it to cool down and restart automatically. This is useful for e.g. a Nether Lava Pump. However, this problem is avoided entirely when using a Redstone Energy Conduit.
