Magmatic Dynamo

Magmatic Dynamo
Magmatic Dynamo

Name Magmatic Dynamo
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name
First Appearance TE 3.0.0 for MC 1.6.4
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 75.0
Hardness 15.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

The Magmatic Dynamo is a power-generating machine from Thermal Expansion 3. Like all other Dynamos, it generates Redstone Flux at a rate of 80 RF/tick. The Magmatic Dynamo requires Lava or another hot fluid such as Blazing Pyrotheum to generate power. One bucket of lava generates 120,000 RF, and one bucket of Blazing Pyrotheum generates 2,000,000 RF. These liquids can be input directly with a bucket or through a pipe such as a Fluiduct. The dynamo has an internal buffer of 40,000RF, where it can store power while it is not connected to any power system, this power will slowly drain and be lost if it's not removed from the dynamo.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Transmission Coil

Invar Gear (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Gear (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Magmatic Dynamo


Magmatic Dynamo can be used to create the following items:
