Hardened Energy Cell

Hardened Energy Cell
Hardened Energy Cell

Name Hardened Energy Cell
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name
First Appearance TE 3.0.0 for MC 1.6.4
Type Block
Stackable No
Blast Resistance 360.0
Hardness -1.0
Power 2,000,000 RF
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Charged
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer Wrench

The Hardened Energy Cell is a block added by the Thermal Expansion mod. A tier 2 Cell that can store up to 2,000,000 RF. It receives and transmits energy simultaneously (different sides) at a rate of up to 800 RF per tick. Removing the Cell using a Crescent Hammer or wrench (Shift+Right-click) will retain its charge; using the wrench with Right-click rotates the cell. Settings can be configured by accessing the GUI with Right-click. The Cell will receive energy from most mods' generation systems using Energy Conduit or Cable


GUI Crafting Table.png
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Hardened Energy Cell Frame
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Redstone Conductance Coil

Hardened Energy Cell


GUI Crafting Table.png
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Leadstone Energy Cell
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

Hardened Energy Cell
GUI Crafting Table.png
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Leadstone Energy Cell Frame
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Redstone Conductance Coil
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Hardened Energy Cell


GUI Crafting Table.png
Signalum Security Lock

Signalum Nugget
Hardened  Energy Cell
Signalum Nugget

Signalum Nugget

Hardened Energy Cell

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Electronic Circuit

Bronze Electron Tube
Hardened Energy Cell Frame
Bronze Electron Tube

Redstone Conductance Coil

Hardened Energy Cell
GUI Crafting Table.png
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Electronic Circuit
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Bronze Electron Tube
Leadstone Energy Cell
Bronze Electron Tube
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Redstone Conductance Coil
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Hardened Energy Cell



Right-clicking the Cell will open a graphical interface for monitoring and configuring its function.

  1. Input rate setting.
    • Adjusted by Click or Right-click and also while holding CTRL or Shift to vary increments.
  2. Energy storage gauge, indicates amount of energy accumulated.
  3. Output rate setting.
    • Adjusted by Click or Right-click and also while holding CTRL or Shift to vary increments.
  4. Redstone Control tab.
  5. Configuration tab.

Redstone Control[edit]

Thermal Expansion Redstone Control GUI.gif

The Redstone Control is the setting to control activation of the energy transmission:

  • Disabled: Ignored: always active.
  • Enabled: Low
    • Deactivates with Redstone signal, stops transmitting energy while receiving the signal.
  • Enabled: High
    • Activates with Redstone signal, transmits energy only while receiving the signal.


The setting to control energy reception and transmission per side:

Energy Cell Configuration GUI.gif
  1. Receive
  2. Disabled
  3. Transmit

The equivalent sides are (facing the front):

Left - Front - Right
      Bottom - Back


Hardened Energy Cell can be used to create the following items:
  • Hardened Energy Cell Hardened Energy Cell
