Emerald Shard

(Redirected from Emerald Nugget)

Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard

Name Emerald Shard
Source Mod Magic Bees
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Emerald Shard is an item produced by Esmeraldi Bees at a rate of approximately one every 1.3 hours. Unlike the Emerald Comb produced by the bee of the same name from Extra Bees, the Emerald Shard is a) produced quicker and b) requires no centrifuging before use. However, nine are necessary to craft one Emerald, and only four Emerald Combs are necessary to create one Emerald Dust; with GregTech 4, this Emerald Dust must be compressed in an Implosion Compressor (a lossy conversion requiring power and ITNT), so this allows for somewhat easier creation of Emeralds.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard
Emerald Shard