Transference Gem

Transference Gem
Transference Gem

Name Transference Gem
Source Mod Hardcore Ender Expansion
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance v. Pre2 for MC 1.6.4
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Transference Gem is an item added by the Hardcore Ender Expansion mod. It is used to teleport to a marked location.


Transference Gem cannot be obtained since v1.6, it used to be crafted out of Gem Shards in earlier versions of the mod. It will most probably be added as loot to a boss mob.


Transference Gem uses Energy and can be charged in an Energy Extraction Table. Shift+right-clicking on a block with a Transference Gem in hand will link the gem to that block. The state of the gem itself will switch to "Linked", as seen in its tooltip. After linking, the player can right-click with a Transference Gem in hand to teleport to the linked block, using some of the Energy stored in the gem.

Using F3+H to enable detailed item tooltips makes the Transference Gem show the exact coordinates and the dimension of the linked location.

Once the charge of the Transference Gem becomes lower than 44%, negative effects will appear:

  • Deflection - the player will be teleported to a random location instead of the linked block.
  • Various negative potion effects, the lower the charge is - the longer they will last:
    • Slowness II
    • Nausea I
    • Weakness II
    • Hunger I
  • Endermen - Angry Endermen will spawn and attack the player.
  • Item drop - a random amount of items in player's inventory will drop to the ground.
  • Storm - will cause a 2-3 minute storm. This is the most rare effect.


Transference Gem can be enhanced using End Powder, exactly like an Ender Pearl.


GUI Crafting Table.png
End Powder
End Powder
End Powder
End Powder
Transference Gem
End Powder
End Powder
Potion of Healing
End Powder
Transference Gem

Note: only Instant Health IV potion can be used, which can be brewed in an Enhanced Brewing Stand exclusively.

After using the Gem, this enhancement will put out the fires, regenerate the player and provide a short satiation effect.


GUI Crafting Table.png
End Powder
End Powder
End Powder
End Powder
Transference Gem
End Powder
End Powder
Item Frame
End Powder
Transference Gem

This enhancement allows the player to place a Transference Gem into an Item Frame and then teleport by right-clicking the frame with the gem in it. This will still cause the energy stored in the gem to deplete, leading to the above-mentioned negative effects immediately.


GUI Crafting Table.png
End Powder
End Powder
End Powder
End Powder
Transference Gem
End Powder
End Powder
Spawn Chicken
End Powder
Transference Gem

With this enhancement the player can teleport mobs to the linked location by right-clicking them while sneaking. (Shift+right-click)