Pneumatic Generator

Pneumatic Generator
Pneumatic Generator

Name Pneumatic Generator
Source Mod PneumaticCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Generator
Stackable Unknown

A Pneumatic Generator is used to create IndustrialCraft2 EU from PneumaticCraft compressed air. This machine can be disabled in the config.

The Pneumatic Generator has a minimum working pressure of 15 bar. By default is outputs 32 EU/t but this can be increased by using a Machine Upgrade: Speed. One upgrade will make the machine output 128 EU/t and two 512 EU/t.

The amount of air the Pneumatic Generator will use is Usage = (Output / Efficiency) x 400 where:

  • Output is in EU/t
  • Usage is in mL/t
  • Efficiency is in percent. It defaults to 40% but this can be changed in the config.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Printed Circuit Board
Advanced Circuit (IndustrialCraft 2)
Advanced Alloy
Advanced Pressure Tube
Turbine Rotor (PneumaticCraft)
Glass Fibre Cable
Printed Circuit Board
Advanced Circuit (IndustrialCraft 2)
Advanced Alloy
Pneumatic Generator