Planar Vortex

Planar Vortex
Planar Vortex

Name Planar Vortex
Source Mod Thaumic Horizons
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 60000.0
Hardness -1.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Nothing
Required Tool None

Planar Vortex is a block added by the Thaumic Horizons mod. It is a machine which can receive the items given by the player and transform them, giving the other items back (when the player right-clicks it with any wand).

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

New Horizons
Into the void

Research aspects in this block[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"A fundamental question in thaumaturgy is why aura nodes form with a limited supply of vis. If the amount were random, somewhere in the world there should be an aura node containing thousands of vis, yet the maximum size seems strictly capped.

Now your research into hungry nodes may offer an answer. Over geological timescales, the dimensional breach within a node can become twisted, converting it to a hungry node. The more energetic a node, the more likely it is to suffer this fate, and once hungry a node will "starve" when it runs out of nearby matter. The world's highest-energy nodes must all be long gone by now.

This is unfortunate - an extremely high-vis node might have contained a large enough breach to pass physical objects into the void. Yet there may still be hope.

By attaching four transduction amplifiers to a single energized node, you can briefly produce an enormous planar breach. Ordinarily such a rift would act as an oversized hungry node, devouring all nearby matter before quickly and explosively collapsing, but perhaps the combined efforts of six vortex attenuators could hold it open...

And what then? Passing matter into the void would immerse it in a sea of endless vis, without grinding it down to its base aspects like an ordinary hungry node. Who can imagine what staggering works of thaumaturgy could be accomplished with this resource at hand?

You imagine there will be severe limitations - most materials will still not survive immersion - but you already understand the basic nature of the process. By right-clicking a rift with your wand, you can tug on ethereal currents and retrieve any surviving objects.

It is now time to determine what can be crafted in this manner..."


In order to create a stable Planar Vortex, the player needs:


  1. Place an Aura Node.
  2. Place a Node Stabilizer under the Aura Node.
  3. Place Node Transducer on top of the Aura Node and activate it with redstone signal.
  4. Once the Aura Node is energized, place 4 Transduction Amplifiers on the sides and don't activate them.
  5. Place 6 Vortex Attenuators 7 blocks in each direction from the Transduction Amplifiers and Node Stabilizer and Node Transducer so these machines face the Aura Node. Activate them with redstone signal.
  6. Activate Transduction Amplifiers with redstone signal.
  7. Once the Planar Vortex is created from the Aura Node, it will collapse all machines around it in the range of 3 blocks. If something on the line between the Vortex Attenuators and Planar Vortex remains, this should be quickly removed.
  8. When all beams from Vortex Attenuators touch the Planar Vortex, it will be stabilized and ready for usage.


Planar Vortex has no known uses in crafting.