ME Fluid Export Bus

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ME Fluid Export Bus
ME Fluid Export Bus

Name ME Fluid Export Bus
Source Mod Extra Cells
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Unknown

The ME Fluid Export Bus is an item added by Extra Cells. It will attempt to push the configured fluid into the attached fluid, such as a Portable Tank. To configure a fluid, put a bucket of the fluid in the square slot. The rate of export can be set with different levels of power consumption.

The ME Fluid Export bus has many potential uses, such as supplying lava to Magmatic Dynamos or Mob Essence to Auto-Spawners.

Tip: Works Great with a Drum, or Portable Tank as a buffer; export into the buffer and distribute to target using Fluiduct or Fluid Pipe.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
ME Precision Export Bus
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
ME Covered Cable
Iron Ingot
ME Fluid Export Bus

Power Usage Table[edit]

Export Rate (mB/t) Export Rate (buckets/s) Power Consumption (ae/t)
20 0.4 5
250 5.0 30
1,000 20.0 60

See Also[edit]

GitHub page with recipes