Modifiers (Ars Magica 2)
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Each Ars Magica 2 spell can have at least one Modifier.
- Bouncy
- Damage
- Duration
- Gravity
- Healing
- Lunar
- Piercing
- Radius
- Range
- Rune Procs
- Solar
- Speed
- Target Non-Solid Blocks
- Velocity Added
When making a spell in the Crafting Altar, various items must be dropped to fuel the process. If the essence is needed, pull the lever on the Crafting Altar to drain it from the Nexus or Battery. The first cost for any spell is a Blank Rune. The last is a Spell Parchment.
- Bouncy -- Earth Essence, Slimeball
- Buff Power -- Glass Bottle, Redstone, Glowstone Dust, Ghast Tear, Spider Eye, Nether Wart, Gunpowder, Emerald
- Damage -- Ender Essence, Iron Sword, Potion of Harming
- Dismembering -- High Essence Core, Wither Skeleton Skull, Bone
- Duration -- Air Essence, Redstone
- Feather Touch -- Air Essence, Feather, Chimerite
- Gravity -- Earth Essence, Compass
- Healing -- Life Essence, Egg, Potion of Healing
- Lunar -- Nature Essence, Moonstone, Clock
- Mining Power -- Earth Essence, Diamond Pickaxe
- Piercing -- Ice Essence, Emerald, Arrow
- Prosperity -- Base Essence Core, 2 × Gold Ingot
- Radius -- Fire Essence, Glowstone Dust, TNT
- Range -- Redstone, Arcane Essence, Snowball, Spell Parchment
- Rune Procs -- Arcane Essence, Blue Rune, White Rune, Purple Rune, Black Rune
- Solar -- Nature Essence, Sunstone, Clock
- Speed -- Lightning Essence, Leather Boots, Carrot, Potion of Swiftness (3:00)
- Target Non-Solid Blocks -- Water Essence, Water Bottle, Poppy, Mushroom (brown), Cerublossom
- Velocity Added -- Ice Essence, Feather, Boat, Minecart