Infinity Helmet

Infinity Helmet
Infinity Helmet

Name Infinity Helmet
Source Mod Avaritia
ID Name
Type Helmet
Stackable No
Durability 109989
Armor 6 (Armor.pngArmor.pngArmor.png)

The Infinity Helmet is a helmet added by Avaritia. It uses no durability. The wearer no longer needs to eat - the food bar will always be full. It gives a 20% vis discount for Thaumcraft and a 25% mana discount for Botania.

It is part of the Infinity Set. When the whole set is worn the player is immune to any damage including void damage and will no longer get hit by anything resulting in no more knockbacks or anything similar. When something successfully penetrates the armor and would kill the player it will instead refill the players health. The player can still be sucked into an Aura Node or the hole of the Endest Pearl.


You can craft it on:

⠀ ⠀ 
GUI Dire Crafting Table.png
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)

Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)

Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Infinity Catalyst
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Catalyst
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)

Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)

Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)

Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Infinity Ingot
Neutronium Ingot (Avaritia)

Infinity Helmet


Infinity Helmet has no known uses in crafting.