Bloodwood Hatchet

Bloodwood Hatchet
Bloodwood Hatchet

Name Bloodwood Hatchet
Source Mod Natura
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No
Durability 351

The Bloodwood Hatchet is a tool added by the Natura mod. It is crafted with Bloodwood Planks and Bloodwood Sticks, which can be obtained from the Bloodwood Tree, only found growing in the Nether.

The Bloodwood Hatchet can cut wood with the same speed as a Diamond Axe, making it an extremely low-cost alternative if you can get the materials for it. The Bloodwood trees that the materials comes from makes the Bloodwood Hatchet a mid-game item, and fairly dangerous to get hold of.

If used as a weapon, the Bloodwood Hatchet deals up to 7 points (3.5 hearts) of damage.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Bloodwood Planks
Bloodwood Planks

Bloodwood Planks
Stick (Bloodwood)

Stick (Bloodwood)

Bloodwood Hatchet