User talk:Gxam


Hey, yeah good call, probably better here.

I agree it's a little spaced out, but wanted to keep all of the Sigils with a base template to help keep things organized. Some will have less information (Water Sigil) while some will have more (Sigil of the Phantom Bridge). It's just a more concise way looking at things from a new Blood Magic users perspective. I for one found it a bit cluttered when looking for specific info when I started and breaking it down helps for finding specific information such as LP cost or the effects without having to glean it from a paragraph, especially when each sigil had a different paragraph formatting or was missing info. Some heading may be blank while others are filled in, but it does encourage other wiki users to fill in info although there is a good chance some of it may never be touched.

Titling the Effect/Bound Armor Effect was strictly that it would show up correctly on the Sigil page when calling back to the effect on the table and not be completely fragmented as it looked...odd.

And yeah, I agree the wording on some of the sigil effects can definitely be changed as well, I definitely wouldn't call what the Air Sigil does flight, more of a boost. I haven't actually gone through and modified any verbiage just yet and was just using what was already there, primarily wanted to make things easier to read first.

Welcome to thoughts?

EightOneFive (talk) 09:15, 6 May 2015 (PST)

I understand your desire for the sigil pages to all be consistently structured, but I think that most of them do not need that structure. I think may have gone too far towards unnecessary structure on the rituals, in fact. Adding the LP cost, socketability, sigil of holding ability and a concise description of its effect to the infobox could provide at a glance access to basic details they all share without creating so many sections.
The empty one in particular I dislike. Trying to encourage edits is noble, but I am dubious that an empty section will accomplish that. I think we should be planning for the common case of an anonymous user coming to look something up, not the uncommon one of a potential editor who needs a nudge to start helping out.
With regards to the effect text: it is specifically its presentation on Sigil that I do not like. I was using inline property definitions out of laziness until I decided whether or not I thought using SMW for that was a good idea, so I'm sure a lot of them looked weird out of context. My objection is not that you have added alternate text that works stand alone, but specifically that you title cased it. To use the longest example, "Suppresses Fluids in a Spherical Area Around The User in a 5 Block Radius" looks weird to me. That is not a title, but a fragment of a sentence which could start with "the sigil of the dome" or "it". It would look much better to me if it were "Suppresses fluids in a spherical area around the user in a 5 block radius". Also now that I'm staring at it, it is bothering me that "in" and "a" are not capitalized but "the" is.
I tend to view all text with a copy editor's eye, so this could all just be unnecessary pedantry on my part. I certainly don't want to discourage people from contributing with my pickiness, especially given how little I've been doing lately.
Gxam (talk) 19:28, 6 May 2015 (CEST)