Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter

Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter
Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter

Name Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter
Source Mod ReactorCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Stone Pickaxe

The Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter is an item from ReactorCraft that can be placed upon the ground to provide an outline of a Fusion Reactor parts. This outline is most useful for figuring the placement of Toroid Magnets. The Solenoid Magnet (In Red), and Plasma Injector (In Blue) are more difficult to creating using only this method because more than one block type are used.

Handbook Description[edit]

"The tokamak blueprint highlighter provides a general outline of the various parts of a tokamak fusion reactor to help with correctly placing and rotating the various components."


GUI Worktable.png
Blue Fluorite Crystal

Redstone Torch

Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter

A Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter showing the general outline of a Fusion Reactor. Red shows the position of the Solenoid Magnet. Yellow shows the positions of the Toroid Magnets. Blue shows the position of the Plasma Injector.


  • Despite looking similar to a Redstone Torch, the Tokamak Blueprint Highlighter does not attach to the sides of blocks and can float in the air without a block underneath it.