Talk:Deep Storage Unit

Duplicate Bug with Portal Gun[edit]

In Ultimate 1.1.2, I can aim a Portal Gun towards the DSU and spam click G button (the button to pick blocks up with Portal Gun). What happens? The DSU duplicates! Yay, free DSU's for all =) --Minken (talk) 00:58, 16 June 2013 (CEST)

Possible item loss bug[edit]

I have minefactory reloaded 2.7.4, thermal expansion 3, buildcraft 3 installed and I noticed that when I have items stored in the DSU, if I press a number key when my cursor is hovering over the output in the gui, it outputs a stack to the relevant hotbar slot. The problem is, it deducts TWO stacks from the DSU. The second stack seems to disappear without a trace. Just wondering if someone else has that problem? If anyone is wondering why I haven't updated to 2.7.5, it's because it seems to have broken the item routers so the don't work with itemducts or buildcraft pipes anymore, which are at the heart of my item sorting and archiving system.