Singleblock Machines

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The machine has 2 special sides: Front side and output side. The machine can automatically output items and/or fluid to the output side. The front side cannot be used to input/output anything in/out of the machine or supply the machine with energy. It is completely useless part for automation. Its only purpose is to visually define the machine among others of the same tier. The items, energy and possibly fluids can be inserted or extracted from all other 4 sides.

When Wrench, Wrench (LV), Wrench (MV) or Wrench (HV) is held in hand while the cursor is pointing at the machine, 2 vertical and 2 horizontal black lines will appear on this machine side. They divide the machine side in 9 parts: center, 4 sides and 4 corners.

The player can right-click with the wrench on the central part to bring output side to this side. Pressing shift while doing this will bring the front side to this side instead. Note that machine is not rotating: if the front side was moved, the output side will not move, unless it used to be on the side the front side moved to. If this happens, the other output side will move to the opposite side. Clicking on any corner will do the same as above but to the opposite side from the one clicked. Clicking on the side part will do the same with the side of the machine, which touches this part.

The front side cannot be put on top and on bottom by ordinary means. However, it can be done the following way: The player needs first to put the output side on the top or bottom and then shift+right-click the center of this side. This will move the front side to the top or bottom, but this will remove the output side completely. The front side will return on the side of the machine on the first right-click with the wrench, which usually moves the output side, or with shift-clicking. The output side will not appear though. The player has to click the center of any of the "non-special" sides of the machine with the wrench, and the output side will then appear there.

By default the machine will not accept anything provided from the output side. This can be toggled by right-clicking the front side with Screwdriver or Electrical Screwdriver. Another click will toggle it back.

The machine has 2 special buttons in its GUI: Fluid Auto-Output and Item Auto-Output, which can be toggled separately and are off by default. This will attempt a forced output of fluid and/or items to the attached container or pipe through the output side. For example, if a Chest is attached to the output side and Item Auto-Output is enabled, the machine will try to extract items from its item output slot (or slots) into this chest.

The machine has internal energy buffer of 64x maximum accepted voltage. For example, the LV machine (32 EU max) will have a buffer of 2048 EU, while a EV machine (2048 EU max) will have a buffer of 131 072 EU. The machine can be charged with energy from any side except the front side. It will try to fill its internal buffer fully before it starts working. The machine can receive unlimited amount of packets with size not exceeding maximum EU for this tier per tick, but if any packet of bigger size is received, the machine explodes.

The bottom-center slot suits for battery. The battery needs to be the same tier as the machine. The internal energy buffer of the machine will then be enlarged by the size of the battery. The battery will also accept the energy the machine receives to recharge itself (if it can be recharged, of course).

The bottom-right slot suits for data storage. A few of the recipes in the mod, mainly performed in the Scanner require a Data Stick or Data Orb to be placed in it. Despite this slot exists in every machine, it is rarely used, and therefore can be ignored by the player.

The fluid buffer slots exist in every machine. However, they are hidden in the GUI and are only highlighted when the player hovers the cursor over them, if the machine does not use one of them or both at the same time.

In the central side there are several slots for items. The machine can have from 1 to 9 of both input and output slots. If there are no item input slots or no item output slots, one slot is still present, but it is locked in the GUI, and nothing can be placed inside of it.