Ender Letter

Ender Letter
Ender Letter

Name Ender Letter
Source Mod Random Things
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Ender Letter is an item added by the Random Things mod. It is a special item allowing players to transfer items to each other remotely, making it primarily useful for use on servers. When right-clicking with the Ender Letter, a small GUI is opened. It contains a text field at the top, where the name of a receiving player can be entered, as well as 9 slots to place items in. When the receiver has been filled out and items have been placed inside, the Letter can be sent by crouching and right-clicking.

An Ender Letter can not be sent if there are no items stored inside. When an invalid player name is entered, the Letter is still sent, but lost (unless a player with that name joins the game). When the receiver of an Ender Letter has a full inventory, the Letter will be received once they have a free slot available in their inventory. The player receiving a Letter receives a notification, similar to an achievement notification when a Letter is placed in their inventory.

The Ender Letter disappears after all items within have been removed by the recipient.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Ender Pearl


Ender Letter


Ender Letter has no known uses in crafting.