Toroid Magnet

Toroid Magnet
Toroid Magnet

Name Toroid Magnet
Source Mod ReactorCraft
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Toroid Magnet is a component of the ReactorCraft Fusion Reactor.

The Toroid Magnet is a circular ring that concentrates the Fusion Plasma into a narrow beam in its center. A total of 36 Toroid Magnets are placed in a circle that the plasma will travel around as it releases neutrons.

The Toroidal Magnets use an electromagnetic field to prevent the Plasma from touching the walls of the Toroid Magnet, which would cause it to melt. To provide the Toroid Magnet with an electromagnetic change, a Van De Graaff Generator must be placed below one of the magnets and powered properly. The charge will carry from magnet to magnet, getting weaker each time. Once the charge become too low to transfer enough energy to the next magnet, a new Van De Graaff Generator must be placed. This can be visually determined when the purple charges turn color to green, white, and yellow.

The heat of the Fusion Plasma makes the Toroid Magnet very hot. In order to keep the magnet functional it must be keep very cold. Liquid Nitrogen is the coolant fluid for the magnets. Liquid Nitrogen can only transported in Liquid Pipes to the top of a toroid magnet.

Handbook Description[edit]

"The toroidal magnets are the main component of the tokamak reactor, and contain the plasma into a narrow beam in their center. In order to function properly, they must be placed and rotated correctly, and kept very cold"


GUI Worktable.png
Magnetic Core
Coolant Pack
Magnetic Core
Coolant Pack
Hysteresis Ring
Coolant Pack
Magnetic Core
Coolant Pack
Magnetic Core

Toroid Magnet