Sodium Cell

Sodium Cell
Sodium Cell

Name Sodium Cell
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Sodium Cells are a type of Cell added by GregTech 4 mod. Sodium Cells can be used to provide 30,000 EU at a rate of 8EU/t by using a Semifluid Generator.

In addition to directly providing energy, Sodium Cells can be used as a reactant in a Chemical Reactor to produce Sodium Sulfide Cells, that can be turned into Sodium Persulfate Cells that can be used as an input amplifier in the Industrial Grinder to improve the products of some ores.


GUI GT4 Canning Machine.png
Automatic Canning Machine
Sodium Dust (GregTech 4)
Empty Cell
Sodium Cell

EU: 100
Time: 5 secs
MaxEnergy: 1 EU/t

GUI GT4 Vacuum Freezer.png
Vacuum Freezer
Sodium Plasma Cell (GregTech 4)
Sodium Cell

EU: 5,280
Time: 2.2 secs
MaxEnergy: 120 EU/t


Sodium Cell can be used to create the following items: