Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

Silver Dust
Silver Dust

Silver Dust

Name Silver Dust
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Silver Dust is an item added by the GregTech 4 mod. It can be made by processing 8 Galena Dust in an Industrial Electrolyzer. When using just GregTech, Silver Dust is mostly acquired through processing of Galena Ore and mostly used in the creation of Electrum Ingots.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Flint Mortar
Silver Ingot (GregTech 4)
Silver Ingot (GregTech 4)

Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

Flint Mortar Flint Mortar can be substituted with Iron Mortar Iron Mortar.

GUI Macerator.png
Silver Ingot (IndustrialCraft 2)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
GUI Macerator.png
Silver Plate (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
GUI Macerator.png
Silver Gear
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

GUI Macerator.png
Block of Silver (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
GUI Macerator.png
Centrifuged Silver Ore (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

GUI GT4 Industrial Centrifuge.png
Industrial Centrifuge
Dirty Pile of Silver Dust

Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Lead Dust (GregTech 4)

EU: 4,280
Time: 42.8 secs
GUI GT4 Industrial Centrifuge.png
Industrial Centrifuge
Electrum Dust (GregTech 4)

Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Gold Dust (GregTech 4)

EU: 12,080
Time: 120.8 secs

GUI GT4 Industrial Centrifuge.png
Industrial Centrifuge
Purified Pile of Silver Dust (GregTech 4)

Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Tiny Pile of Sulfur Dust (GregTech 4)

EU: 4,280
Time: 42.8 secs
GUI GT4 Industrial Electrolyzer.png
Industrial Electrolyzer
Galena Dust (GregTech 4)

Lead Dust (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Sulfur Dust (GregTech 4)

EU: 74,880
Time: 41.6 secs
MaxEnergy: 90 EU/t

GUI GT4 Industrial Grinder.png
Industrial Grinder
Galena Ore (GregTech 4)
Mercury Cell (GregTech 4)
Purified Galena Ore (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Sulfur Dust (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Empty Cell

EU: 12,000
Time: 5 secs
MaxEnergy: 120 EU/t

GUI GT4 Industrial Grinder.png
Industrial Grinder
Lead Ore (IndustrialCraft 2)
Mercury Cell (GregTech 4)
Purified Crushed Lead Ore
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Sulfur Dust (GregTech 4)
Empty Cell

EU: 12,000
Time: 5 secs
MaxEnergy: 120 EU/t

GUI GT4 Industrial Grinder.png
Industrial Grinder
Tungstate Ore (GregTech 4)
Mercury Cell (GregTech 4)
Purified Tungstate Ore (GregTech 4)
Small Pile of Manganese Dust (GregTech 4)
Silver Dust (GregTech 4)
Empty Cell

EU: 12,000
Time: 5 secs
MaxEnergy: 120 EU/t


Silver Dust (GregTech 4) can be used to create the following items: