Satellite Logistics Pipe

Satellite Logistics Pipe
Satellite Logistics Pipe

Name Satellite Logistics Pipe
Source Mod Logistics Pipes
ID Name Unknown
Type Logistics Pipe
Stackable Unknown

The Satellite Logistics Pipe can be used with a Crafting Logistics Pipe to provide a remote destination for items in a crafting recipe. The pipe can be configured using a BuildCraft compatible Wrench where an ID can be set which must corespond to the ID set in the Crafting Logistics Pipe.

A common example of this pipe in use is for smelting items in a Furnace. The Crafting Logistics Pipe would be placed on the top of the Furnace with the Satellite Logistics Pipe on the bottom. The Charcoal would be routed to the bottom for every item that needed to be smelted once the Crafting Logistics Pipe was configured with Charcoal in one of the three right slots.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Basic Logistics Pipe

Satellite Logistics Pipe