Runed Obsidian (Sea)

Runed Obsidian (Sea)
Runed Obsidian (Sea)

Name Runed Obsidian (Sea)
Source Mod Automagy 1
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 6000.0
Hardness 3.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

Runed Obsidian (Sea) is a block added by the Automagy 1 mod. When used in the construction of the Nethermind, it will increase the chance and lower the cost of generating Lava.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Pulled from the ashes

Research aspects in this block[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"Upon closer examination, you've found that a crystalline brain reinforced with Ignis seems to constantly draw energy into itself (and burn through it just as quickly). Tracing the source of this energy pointed you to the Nether. If you found something compatible with this brain that had a strong tie to Netherfire, you could create a "Nethermind" that would pull across something more tangible, conjuring lava and nether-blocks out of essentia.

An Ember Heart, along with a few other choice reagents, should do the trick. Your studies indicate that they are tied in some way to the hellish creatures known as blazes and may even have something to do with how they are created in the Nether.

Some manner of powering and controlling the Nethermind will, of course, be necessary. To this end, you have created runed obsidian. In addition to being used to encase the Nethermind itself, such runes must surround it in the indicated fashion.

There are different runes for different purposes. Any basic runed obsidian block shown in the diagram can be replaced by a more specialized rune. The more runes of a given type there are, the more of an impact that type will have (to a point). With only basic runes, the device will operate fairly slowly and will generate only netherrack and the occasional patch of lava.

Once the runes are arranged, tap the Nethermind block with your wand. You can tap it again to turn the device off, but it costs vis from your wand every time it is started.

To function, the Nethermind must be powered by Ignis vis supplied by a relay. It also needs warded jars nearby from which it can pull essentia. The type and quantity of essentia needed is determined by the runes at work. Basic runed obsidian requires only Ignis and Terra.

Blocks conjured from Netherstuff will appear in a 9x9x9 area two blocks below the structure.

Runed Obsidian (Rock):
Use this rune to increase the chance that netherrack will be generated. If at least four block-specifying runes like this are in place, then only the blocks they specify will be generated. The more runes tied to a given block, the more likely that block will be created. (So if four of a single type are used, then the chance is 100%.)

Another advantage of using this rune is that generating netherrack with it requires less essentia than doing so using basic runes. (Placing additional Rock runes does not further decrease the cost.)

Cost per conjuration: 1 Ignis, 2 Terra.

Runed Obsidian (Sea):
Use this rune to increase the chance that lava will be generated. As with other block-specifying runes, having at least four of them means only the specified blocks will be generated.

Cost per conjuration: 6 Ignis, 2 Terra."


GUI Arcane Worktable.png
Blaze Rod
Arcane Stone Block (Thaumcraft 4)
Magma Cream
Lava Bucket
Runed Obsidian
Lava Bucket
Magma Cream
Arcane Stone Block (Thaumcraft 4)
Blaze Rod
Runed Obsidian (Sea)


Runed Obsidian (Sea) has no known uses in crafting.