Iridium Ingot (GregTech 4)

Iridium Ingot
Iridium Ingot

Iridium Ingot

Name Iridium Ingot
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

An Iridium Ingot is a rare ingot which is obtained by compressing Iridium Nuggets or Iridium Ore (IndustrialCraft 2). It can be used to create Iridium Alloy Ingots or Iridium Reinforced Stone. It is usually a late- or end-game item, and its main usage, Iridium Plates is used in many end-game items and armor, such as the QuantumSuit, the Matter Fabricator, the Fusion Reactor (and its component the Fusion Coil) and many others.

Iridium is usually obtained through one of the following methods:

  • Finding an Iridium Ore block in world generation. These are extremely rare, but easy to process. Using a normal pick will immediately yield an Iridium Ore item (not the block), but a silk touch tool is strongly recommended because it can be Pulverized to double the output.
  • Processing Sheldonite Ore (often found on Asteroids in the End) in various machines (like a Pulverizer) can yield Iridium Nuggets or Iridium Ore, in addition to the standard Platinum.
  • Centrifuging 1 Platinum Dust yields 1 Iridium Nugget, requiring 15,000 EU.
  • Iridium Ore can be crafted from 7 UU-Matter, each requiring over a million EU to generate.
  • Iridium Ore can be produced as a byproduct in a Fusion Reactor. This requires a significant amount of Iridium to craft and set up, and a significant amount of EU to run the reaction.

Iridium Ore is added by two mods, GregTech 4 and Advanced Solar Panels. One version can be converted into the other using a Forge Lexicon.


GUI Compressor.png
Iridium Nugget (GregTech 4)
Iridium Ingot (GregTech 4)

GUI Compressor.png
Iridium Ore (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Ingot (GregTech 4)


Iridium Ingot (GregTech 4) can be used to create the following items: