Magical Crops 4

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Magical Crops 4
Magical Crops 4
Name Magical Crops 4
Creator Mark719
Latest Version 4.0.0 Public Beta 3
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Forum MC Forum thread
Root Mod Minecraft Forge

The Magical Crops 4 mod adds several different crops, blocks, and items to Minecraft. The crops can be used for growing special essence that can be turned into items and precious metals. The terrain generation in Magical Crops is Minicio Ore, which after being mined drops Minicio Essence. Minicio Essence can also be farmed by planting Minicio Seeds and waiting until the plant is mature. You can upgrade essence into higher tiers of essence with an Infusion Stone.

Magical Crops[edit]

Magical Crops are grown from Magical Seeds obtained from 1 Minicio Seed, 4 Essence of a certain tier and 4 of the resource that you are looking to grow. Magical Seeds are planted to grow the relevant Magical Crop that will yield 1 Essence Dust, 1 Essence Seed and a random chance of a second seed. The Essence Dust may be crafted into its corresponding item. For instance, 8 Coal Essence will yield 12 Coal. Some main essences will also be able to dye certain items like Glowstone by combining it in a crafting grid. Some essences like the Nether Essence and a dye essence will create a large spectrum of items. A dye (or Technicolor) essence for example will create every single dye except for Lapis Lazuli. Magic crops are fully mature when they have a small sphere of the color that correlates to their essence (ie. A Coal Crop will be mature when a black sphere is formed on top.) Magic crops also have enchantment particle effects. All other crops are similar to magical crops.

Magic Crops are:

  • Coal Crop
  • Dye Crop
  • Redstone Crop
  • Glowstone Crop
  • Diamond Crop
  • Emerald Crop
  • Blaze Crop
  • Ender Crop
  • Gold Crop
  • Iron Crop
  • Lapis Lazuli Crop
  • Nether Crop
  • Obsidian Crop
  • Experience Crop
  • Tin Crop
  • Silver Crop
  • Lead Crop
  • Certus Quartz Crop
  • Sapphire Crop
  • Ruby Crop
  • Peridot Crop
  • Aluminium Crop
  • Rubber Crop
  • Sulfur Crop
  • Iridium Crop
  • Manganese Crop
  • Ardite Crop
  • Cobalt Crop
  • Nickel Crop
  • Platinum Crop
  • Infused Shard Crop
  • Uranium Crop
  • Oil Crop
  • Force Crop
  • Dark Iron Crop
  • Magnesium Crop
  • Osmium Crop
  • Blue Topaz Crop
  • Chimerite Crop
  • Moonstone Crop
  • Sunstone Crop
  • Vinteum Crop
  • Manyullyn Crop

Element Crops[edit]

Fire Crop[edit]

Plant Fire Seeds to grow Fire Essence.

Water Crop[edit]

Plant Water Seeds to grow Water Essence.

Air Crop[edit]

Plant Air Seeds to grow Air Essence.

Earth Crop[edit]

Plant Earth Seeds to grow Earth Essence.

Soul Crops[edit]

Soul Crops are grown with Soul Seeds and yields a Soul Essence, 1 or 2 Soul Seed and 10% chance of a Nature Essence and 20% chance of a Weak Essence.


  • Each Level of items is slightly faster or deals more damage than the last.
  • Items are repaired in an anvil with the corresponding essence.
  • Accio: (1900 durability)
    • Accio Pickaxe: Gives two extra essence from ores.
    • Accio Sword: Deals 8 damage.
    • Accio Axe: Just faster with more durability.
    • Accio Shovel: Just faster with more durability.
    • Accio Hoe: Gives one extra essence from minico crops.
    • Accio Armor: Full set gives 84% damage reduction. Each piece is about equal to Diamond
  • Crucio: (2400 durability)
    • Crucio Pickaxe: Gives four extra essence from ores.
    • Crucio Sword: Deals 10 damage.
    • Crucio Axe: Just faster with more durability.
    • Crucio Shovel: Just faster with more durability.
    • Crucio Hoe: Gives two extra essence from minico crops.
    • Crucio Armor: Full set gives 88% damage reduction. Each piece is a slight bit better than Diamond
  • Imperio: (4000 durability)
    • Imperio Pickaxe: Gives 8 extra essence from ores.
    • Imperio Sword: Deals 12 damage.
    • Imperio Axe: Just faster with more durability.
    • Imperio Shovel: Just faster with more durability.
    • Imperio Hoe: Gives four extra essence from minico crops.
    • Imperio Armor: Full set gives 92% damage reduction. Each piece is a little better than Diamond
  • Zivicio: (Unbreakable)
    • Zivicio Pickaxe: Gives 16 extra essence from ores.
    • Zivicio Sword: Deals 15 damage.
    • Zivicio Axe: Just faster with more durability.
    • Zivicio Shovel: Just faster with more durability.
    • Zivicio Hoe: Gives 8 extra essence from minico crops.
    • Zivicio Armor: Full set gives creative style flight and gives 96% damage reduction. Each piece is better than Diamond

Seed Bags

  • Description
    • Automatically places crop in a set area
    • Indestructible
    • Each level places a larger area
      • Accio Seed Bag: 2x2
      • Crucio Seed Bag: 4x4
      • Imperio Seed Bag: 6x6
      • Zivicio Seed Bag: 9x9
  • Usage
    • Shift Right-click with the bag in hand to open its inventory
    • Place seeds that the bag will plant in its inventory
    • Right-click on a tilled piece of land and seeds will be planted in the predetermined size if there are enough.
      • Note: The lower left corner of the area to be planted is determined by the direction you are facing
      • Will still plant seeds, just not in a complete square if there isn't enough

Essence Ingots

Accio Ingots:

  • Used to make the Accio Armor
  • Recipe: 4 gold nuggets, 4 iron ingots, 1 accio essence = 4 Accio Ingots

Crucio Ingots:

  • Used to make the Crucio Armor
  • Recipe: 4 gold nuggets, 4 iron ingots, 1 crucio essence = 4 Crucio Ingots

Imperio Ingots:

  • Used to make the Imperio Armor
  • Recipe: 4 gold nuggets, 4 iron ingots, 1 imperio essence = 4 Imperio Ingots

Zivicio Ingots:

  • Used to make the Zivicio Armor
  • Recipe: 4 gold nuggets, 4 iron ingots, 1 zivicio essence = 4 Zivicio Ingots


  • Furnaces:
  • Different Levels of Furnaces can be made in this mod
  • (Speed Multipliers are compared to that of a vanilla Furnace)
    • Accio Furnace: 2x speed
      • 1 Furnace, 4 Accio Essence
    • Crucio Furnace: 4x speed
      • 1 Accio Furnace, 4 Crucio Essence
    • Imperio Furnace: 8x speed
      • 1 Crucio Furnace, 4 Imperio Essence
    • Zivicio Furnace: 16x speed
      • 1 Imperio Furnace, 4 Zivicio Essence
    • Ultimate Furnace: 200x speed
      • 1 Zivicio Furnace, 4 Zivicio Blocks
  • Decorative Blocks:
  • Different blocks can be crafted and colored
  • 8 Essence Stone: 8 Cobblestone, 1 Minicio Essence
  • 8 Essence Block: 8 Essence Stone, 1 Dye of any color
  • 8 Essence Lamp: 8 Essence Block, 1 Glowstone
  • 4 Essence Brick: 4 Essence Block, 2x2 pattern
    • Essence Brick can be put into the table by itself to upgrade to the next pattern, up to 4.0
    • Warning: Essence Brick cannot be downgraded
  • 4 Essence Square Brick: 4 Essence Block, Four Corners in a 3x3 table
    • Essence Square Brick can be put into the table by itself to upgrade to the next pattern, up to 3.0
    • Warning: Essence Square Brick cannot be downgraded
