Boring Machine

Boring Machine
Boring Machine

Name Boring Machine
Source Mod RotaryCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Unknown
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

The Boring Machine is an automatic mining device. It digs in a straight line (the size can be adjusted) for as long as you like, as long as it is provide enough power. It will load chunks and continue if it reaches the end of an existing chunk.

The Boring Machine breaks blocks using mining pipes. The mining pipes serve 2 purposes: they prevent mobs from spawning and they stop liquid from flowing into the tunnel. The mining pipes can be broken instantly. This does not effect the operation of the machine. The device can break bedrock, although it takes massive amounts of torque.


GUI Worktable.png
HSLA Steel Ingot (RotaryCraft)
HSLA Steel Ingot (RotaryCraft)
HSLA Steel Ingot (RotaryCraft)
Drill (RotaryCraft)
2x Gear Unit
Circuit Board
Base Panel
Base Panel
Base Panel

Boring Machine

This device can be enchanted with anything a pickaxe can be enchanted with. This is done by right clicking the device with the respective book in hand. The enchantment will stay even if you pick up the block.