
(Redirected from Better Fps)

Name BetterFps
Creator Guichaguri
Type FPS Improvements
Latest Version 1.4.8 (Beta)
Minecraft Version 1.12.2
Website CurseForge
Root Mod Stand Alone
Modpacks Feed The Beast Builders Paradise
Feed The Beast Interactions
Feed The Beast Pyramid Reborn
Feed The Beast Sky Odyssey
Feed The Beast Stoneblock 2

Better FPS is a mod that provides the player with several options that can potentially increase their FPS. These options are found in the pause menu, under "Options", then "BetterFps Options". An explanation of each of the improvements provided by this mod can be found below.


This button will change which algorithm Minecraft uses to evaluate sin() and cos() functions. Since the speed of these algorithms depends on the device being used to run the game, it's impossible to say one is best for everyone. However, running the BetterFps .jar file (The mod itself) will provide a "Test Algorithms" option that will allow the user to run a benchmark to compare the efficiency of the different algorithms on their device.

Update Checker[edit]

When on, BetterFps will check for updates when the client is started. Shift+Clicking this button will start an update check immediately.


Allows the player to disable the rendering of fog, to increase FPS.

Fast Hopper[edit]

Prevents Hoppers from making unnecessary calculations. On by default.

Preallocate Memory[edit]

When this option is set to off, it removes the preallocation of 10mb of RAM when the game is started. The FPS benefit is more noticeable on devices with low RAM.

Beacon Beam[edit]

Removes the transparent layer of the Beacon's laser. FPS Improvements are arguably negligible.

Fast Beacon[edit]

Prevents Beacons from doing unnecessary calculations, optimizes when it does calculations.

Faster Creative Search[edit]

This change is not available as an option in the BetterFPS options menu, but it can be toggled in the BetterFPS config file betterfps.json in the config folder. This change dramatically improves the efficiency of the creative mode search system, which is extremely helpful in bigger modpacks.